1. What do you know about network?
  2. Computer Networking is basically the process of connecting two or more computers or devices, using hardware and software, so that data can be transferred and shared between them.

    There are different types of networking, for instance there are LANs (local area networks) and WANs (wide area networks). The difference between these two lies in their spans. LANs are restricted to small areas, typically homes, whereas WANs are widely spread and can reach across cities, countries or even continents.

    Networks may also be different in their design and layout. There are client/server networks and peer-to-peer networks. Client/server networks tend to be centralized with most functions being supported by the central/main system. Peer-to-peer networks consist of computers which all support the same functions and can interact with each other.

    This being understood, client/server networks work well within businesses whereas peer-to-peer is better suited to home use.

    Layouts can be the different ways in which a network is arranged to share data. Bus, ring, star, mesh is all different layouts. It all depends on how information is to travel through the network, if the data is expected to go through all the systems then bus network is suitable but if data is to be sent to single units separately then star networks or mesh networks might be better suited.

    Networks are all about communication, as such there is a communication standard which is implemented by protocols, which are like rules for the operation of the network. There may be many protocols used by a network at one time, for instance, TCP/IP, the most common protocol found on the Internet and in home networks.

    Networks can be wired or wireless. Most protocols for wired networks are also supported by wireless networks. Wired networks have been around for a long time as compared to wireless ones. But with advancements in technology wireless networks are fast becoming more reliable and common.


  3. What is the difference between LAN and WLAN?
  4. LAN stands for Local Area Network, which is a collection of computers and other network devices in a certain location that are connected together by switches and/or routers that facilitate the communication of the network elements. Each computer or network element is connected to the switches/routers via a UTP cable. The added letter in WLAN stands for wireless. This is a type of network where the data is not transmitted via cables but over the air through the use of wireless transmitters and receivers.

    WLANs are deployed in areas where a wide number of computers may connect to the network but not at the same time. Places like coffee shops often add WLAN to their shops to entice more customers who do not stay for extended periods. Even at home where you have a somewhat fixed number of computers that connect to the network, WLAN is also preferred as it gives users the freedom to move around the house and carry their laptops with them without needing to fuss with cables. For areas where the computers are pretty much fixed, a wired LAN is very desirable due to the advantages that it offers.

    First off, a wired LAN is much faster compared to a WLAN. Most wireless routers nowadays are limited to a theoretical maximum speed of 54mbps while a contemporary wired LAN has a bandwidth of 100mbps. Gigabit network equipment can even ramp this up to 1000mbps or 1Gbps. This might not be such a big issue for browsing the internet or sending email but when you are copying large files, it can take a while with a WLAN.

    WLANs are also vulnerable to attack as just about anyone with a strong enough transceiver is able to detect the signal. Access can then be achieved by breaking the encryption used by the router through certain software. The information that is being transmitted through the WLAN can also be collected by malicious person and used in a variety, often destructive, ways. In order to intercept data in a wired LAN, you need to physically connect to a switch or a router.


    · LAN refers to a wired network while WLAN is used to refer to a wireless network.

    · LAN is commonly used in fixed networks while WLAN is common in areas where computers are moved quite often.

    · WLAN is more convenient to users compared to LAN.

    · LAN is much faster compared to WLAN.

    · LAN is more secure compared to WLAN


  5. What is WLAN?
  6. A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a local area network (LAN) that doesn't rely on wired Ethernet connections. A WLAN can be either an extension to a current wired network or an alternative to it.

    WLANs have data transfer speeds ranging from 1 to 54Mbps, with some manufacturers offering proprietary 108Mbps solutions. The 802.11n standard can reach 300 to 600Mbps.

    Because the wireless signal is broadcast so everybody nearby can share it, several security precautions are necessary to ensure only authorized users can access your WLAN.

    A WLAN signal can be broadcast to cover an area ranging in size from a small office to a large campus. Most commonly, a WLAN access point provides access within a radius of 65 to 300 feet.

    WLAN types :

    Private home or small business WLAN

    Commonly, a home or business WLAN employs one or two access points to broadcast a signal around a 100- to 200-foot radius. You can find equipment for installing a home WLAN in many retail stores.

    With few exceptions, hardware in this category subscribes to the 802.11a, b, or g standards (also known as Wi-Fi); some home and office WLANs now adhere to the new 802.11n standard. Also, because of security concerns, many home and office WLANs adhere to the Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) standard.

    Enterprise class WLAN

    An enterprise class WLAN employs a large number of individual access points to broadcast the signal to a wide area. The access points have more features than home or small office WLAN equipment, such as better security, authentication, remote management, and tools to help integrate with existing networks. These access points have a larger coverage area than home or small office equipment, and are designed to work together to cover a much larger area. This equipment can adhere to the 802.11a, b, g, or n standard, or to security-refining standards, such as 802.1x and WPA2.


  7. What do you know about server and client?

Client/server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Although the client/server idea can be used by programs within a single computer, it is a more important idea in a network. In a network, the client/server model provides a convenient way to interconnect programs that are distributed efficiently across different locations. Computer transactions using the client/server model are very common. For example, to check your bank account from your computer, a client program in your computer forwards your request to a server program at the bank. That program may in turn forward the request to its own client program that sends a request to a database server at another bank computer to retrieve your account balance. The balance is returned back to the bank data client, which in turn serves it back to the client in your personal computer, which displays the information for you.

The client/server model has become one of the central ideas of network computing. Most business applications being written today use the client/server model. So does the Internet's main program, TCP/IP. In marketing, the term has been used to distinguish distributed computing by smaller dispersed computers from the "monolithic" centralized computing of mainframe computers. But this distinction has largely disappeared as mainframes and their applications have also turned to the client/server model and become part of network computing.

In the usual client/server model, one server, sometimes called a daemon, is activated and awaits client requests. Typically, multiple client programs share the services of a common server program. Both client programs and server programs are often part of a larger program or application. Relative to the Internet, your Web browser is a client program that requests services (the sending of Web pages or files) from a Web server (which technically is called a Hypertext Transport Protocol or HTTP server) in another computer somewhere on the Internet. Similarly, your computer with TCP/IP installed allows you to make client requests for files from File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers in other computers on the Internet.

Other program relationship models included master/slave, with one program being in charge of all other programs, and peer-to-peer, with either of two programs able to initiate a transaction.


  1. What do you know about hardware and software?
  2. Hardware: the mechanical, electrical, or structural components of an electronic computer , teaching machine or other automatic machine.

    The three main components of hardware are computer chips, then internal basic input/output systems called BIOS, and individual system parts.

    Software: the designs, instructions, routines, and other printed matter required for the operation of a computer or other automatic machine.

    Hardware and Software created in order to form and/or make a electronic device that could receive a set of instructions, or programs and then carry out this programming.

  3. Why is the role of hardware needed in information processing?

  4. even before general purpose modern day computers were built, humans had developed and used various tools to aid in computing or process other information. As complexity of data increased, it was vital to develop machines which could process those raw data to usable information. This gave rise to the modern day computers. Without the aid of computing hardware it is simply impossible to process the vast amount of data that is currently used by humans.

  5. What do you know about Software Operating System?
  6. The most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

    For large systems, the operating system has even greater responsibilities and powers. It is like a traffic cop -- it makes sure that different programs and users running at the same time do not interfere with each other. The operating system is also responsible for security, ensuring that unauthorized users do not access the system.

    Operating systems can be classified as follows:

    · multi-user : Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating systems permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users.

    · multiprocessing : Supports running a program on more than one CPU.

    · multitasking : Allows more than one program to run concurrently.

    · multithreading : Allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.

    · real time: Responds to input instantly. General-purpose operating systems, such as DOS and UNIX, are not real-time.

    Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs, called application programs, can run. The application programs must be written to run on top of a particular operating system. Your choice of operating system, therefore, determines to a great extent the applications you can run. For PCs, the most popular operating systems are DOS, OS/2, and Windows, but others are available, such as Linux.

    As a user, you normally interact with the operating system through a set of commands. For example, the DOS operating system contains commands such as COPY and RENAME for copying files and changing the names of files, respectively. The commands are accepted and executed by a part of the operating system called the command processor or command line interpreter. Graphical user interfaces allow you to enter commands by pointing and clicking at objects that appear on the screen.


  7. Why do software applications need Operating System?
Operating system is the means by which software communicate with the hardware. It cannot perform its function, i.e obtain data from the user and process it without operating system acting as the intermediary between the user/hardware & the software, or in the other words user inputs data in to the hardware, operating system converts the user language to computer language and conveys it to the software. software then processes it and passes the information back through the same channel.

a. Menyusun dan merencanakan seri kegiatan rekreasi yang berhubungan dengan entertainment, shopping dan fasilitas lainnya.

b. Menuyusun dan menawarkan seri kegiatan wisata di kedua kota tersebut yang menyangkut kegiatan wisata alam dan budaya.

c. Aktifitas-aktifitas lain yang dapat mengoptimalkan proses kegiatan peserta secara berkualitas.

Tugas MICE 1

Fasilitas dan Pelayanan Konvensi terdiri dari 3 jenis :

· Physical Facilities & Equipment

Banquet & Function rooms dengan berbagai jenis layout sesuai dengan kubutuhan dan dilengkapi oleh :

o Tables, chairs & linens

o Platform & podium

o Carpet

o Bulletin Board

o Audio Visual equipment

o Trash can

· Accommodation Service

· Guest Rooms

Penginapan untuk para peserta konvensi beserta fasilitas-fasilitas pelengkap yang ada di hotel seperti : Coffee shop, Gourmet Restaurant, Bar, Swimming Pool, fasilitas bank, money changer, telecommunication service, shopping centre.

· Shuttle Service

Fasilitas antar jemput dari airport (kendaraan & personil)

· F&B Service

Penyediaan makanan dan minuman baik pada saat function berlangsung maupun tidak (untuk in house participants). Penyediaan makanan dan minuman itu sendiri harus disesuaikan dengan :

· Jumlah peserta

· Jenis menu + harga (perlunya penentuan jumlah bahan baku, waktu, biaya serta tenaga kerja)


Merlin Mol Convention Center perlu menjaga kualitas pelayanan serta fasilitas baik physical facilities & equipment maupun accommodation dan F&B service, untuk masa yang akan datang. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan:

· menjaga kebersihan, keindahan dan kenyamanan.

· memaintain kondisi bangunan beserta seluruh ruangan.

· mengganti equipment yang sudah tidak layak pakai dengan yang lebih berkualitas dan disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman dan technology.

· fasilitias lebih dilengkapi (menambah sarana olahraga maupun hiburan)

· menjaga kualitas makanan dan minuman.

· menambah variasi menu sesuai dengan permintaan pasar.

· mengadakan training secara berkala untuk para karyawan.

· Menggencarkan promosi melalui berbagai media.

Tugas MICE 2

1. Merencanakan ruang sidang/pertemuan untuk 4 komite berikut keperluan alat dan fasilitas penunjang.

untuk acara pembukaan sebaiknya menggunakan "Classroom Style" dengan kapasitas up to 150 pax.

untuk masing-masing komite sebaiknya menggunakan "Boardroom Style" dengan kapasitas up to 25 pax.

alat penunjang:
  • tables, chairs & linens
  • platform & podium
  • carpet
  • bulletin board
  • audio visual equipment
  • trash can
2. Merencanakan penempatan akomodasi dan perencanaan menu makanan termasuk permintaan-permintaan khusus dari peserta yang melakukan diet.

untuk akomodasi sebaiknya memilih hotel yang dekat lokasinya dengan Sky Line Block Convention Center, dengan ketentuan jenis kamar:
  • twin room - untuk peserta yang tidak didampingi istri/sekertaris
  • double room - untuk peserta yang didampingi istri
  • single room - untuk para secretary
untuk transportasi (airport shuttle, tours, etc) juga harus disediakan (ex: 3 coach/big bus dengan kapasitas up to 43 seats untuk 124 peserta + extra bus untuk para istri dan sekertaris tergantung jumlah)

untuk makanan sebaiknya disediakan berbagai macam cuisine (western, oriental dsbg) mengingat para peserta berasal dari berbagai negara. Permintaan khusus juga harus diperhatikan seperti makanan khusus vegetarian atau diet khusus bagi peserta yang menderita penyakit. acara makan meliputi:
  • breakfast (di hotel)
  • lunch (di convention centre)
  • dinner (di hotel)
  • supper (di hotel)
  • termasuk welcome dan farewell party
3. Pembuatan rencana kegiatan rekreasi bagi peserta yang sebagian kecil didampingi istri dan sekertaris.

untuk para istri dan sekertaris sebaiknya diadakan sightseeing tour (ex: kunjungan ke museum tekstil), shopping tour (ex: kunjungan ke berbagai pusat perbelanjaan di Jakarta khususnya yang tradisional) atau mengadakan ladies program (ex: seminar kecantikan)

4. Pembuatan rencana-rencana lain yang menarik yang kiranya dapat menentukan dipakainya Sky Line Block sebagai tempat pertemuan oleh Ikatan Ahli Geologi Asia Pasific, sebagaimana yang dijanjikan oleh Mr.Raul Punjabi.

untuk pre-conference tour dapat dilakukan kunjungan ke museum Geologi yang ada di Bandung. selain itu juga dapat diadakan cocktail party sebelum event dimulai dalam rangka mengakraban para peserta.

Information system can be categorized into 2 which is manually and automatically or also known as Computer Based Information System (CBIS). Before we are using CBIS, all the data is done manually, where all the information is written and store in a different file. Sometimes, this process is called non-computerized system. Non-computerized is not efficient because it consumes a lot of time to find and modify the information. So, to eliminate this problem, a new system is created which is known as computerized system or CBIS.

Roles and function of Computer Based Information System (CBIS)

Functions CBIS :

1. Input : Consists of raw data either from organization or outside the organization to be processed

2. Process : Transfer raw data into useful information

3. Output : Information that has been processed

4. Storage : A place to store the useful information

5. Control : Control the evolving of information system

Components of CBIS :

1. Hardware : Hardware can be a single PC, a single main frame or networks of computers. It also includes physical device to control the process of input and output like keyboard, mouse and modem.

2. Software : Application program such as MS Office, Macromedia Dreamweaver and etc.

3. People : Those who are involved with the system or using the system.

4. Data : Consists of facts, text, graphic, figure that can be recorded and that have specific meaning.

5. Procedure : Instructions and rules to design and use information system

There are five specialist information:

1. Systems analyst (sytsem analys), in collaboration with users to develop new systems and improve the current system.

2. Manager database (Database Administrator), in cooperationwith users and systems analysts created a database that contains the data necessary to generate information for the wearer.

3. Network Specialist (Network Specialist), in collaboration with systems analysts and users to shape the data communicationsnetwork that brings together a variety of computer resources arescattered.

4. Programmers, using the documentation provided by the system analyst to make instruction-instruction that cause the computer to convert data into information that is needed.

5. Operator, operates a large-scale computer equipment andcomputer sepertmainframe mini.

What is the purpose of information security?

There are many reasons why you should protect the information you use on your computer, including:

· Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only those who should access that information, can

· Knowing that no one has been able to change your information, so you can depend on its accuracy (information integrity)

· Making sure that your information is available when you need it (by making back-up copies and, if appropriate, storing the back-up copies off-site)


What does a manager have to do if the information is not accurate, safe nor relevant?

If the information is not accurate, safe nor relevant, the manager has to send for it to be recollected and examine the process to see why it was not relevant. After getting the accurate information needed, a security policy should be established and maintained.

What are the stages in securing information?

1. Manage Your Technology Life Cycle

Old computer technology is less secure than new technology. Newer technology implements the latest tools (like intrusion protection), so one of the best things you can do to protect your business is to use the latest technology.

In fact, you should develop a technology lifecycle plan for all of your computer hardware and software assets. Consider replacing computers after four years; budget 25% each year for new technology to replace the old.

2. Establish a Password Policy

This one is really simple: make sure your computers, servers, wi-fi connections, etc., all have password protection. Adding open devices and connections to your network is just inviting trouble.

Close those connections now, using unique passwords for each user. Use strong, complex passwords, as many security professionals (and companies like Microsoft) have been recommending for some time. Require that passwords be replaced every month or every quarter. Lock out an account after “n” failed login attempts. Disable past employee accounts immediately.

3. Back Up Your Data Frequently

Everyone I talk to says they have a back-up plan and, of course, they perform backups. But are their servers backed up frequently enough? And what about individual PCs – do they have data or apps that aren’t on the servers? Are they backed up, ever? Should they be?

Are backups taken off-site? Have you tried to restore your backups to a computer that is NOT in the original location? Are you using cloud-based apps but wonder if your cloud-based data are backed up appropriately? (Bizmanualz new Onpolicy Procedure Management Software eliminates the need for backups at the user level.)

And have you tested your backup process lately? Trust me — when you’re trying to recover your system from an attack or a fatal system error is not when you want to find out your backup process doesn’t work.

4. Use Malware and Virus Protection

It happens — people inadvertently download something they shouldn’t (social engineering techniques are that effective). The next thing you know, that computer — even your whole network — is compromised.

You need to develop a computer security policy. Consider centralizing your anti-virus and anti-spyware management instead of having each user responsible for their own devices. Enable frequent virus scanning and frequent, automatic updates. Monitor your anti-virus subscriptions — you can’t afford to let them lapse.

5. Secure Your Mobile Devices

Your company may be facing increasing liability exposure from employees housing data in PDAs, laptops, or cellphones. If your employees have access to sensitive information (think “WikiLeaks”), you need to develop a Mobile Device Management Plan that addresses digital rights management, data loss prevention, data security, and other IT internal controls. Consider anti-virus device security and data protection that includes the ability to wipe a device, in case it’s misused.

And, if you don’t want employees using their personal devices to handle company information…what’s your policy on that and how do you enforce it?

6. Train Your Employees

Imagine you’ve created a new password policy, invested in anti-virus software, and developed a Mobile Device Management Plan but you haven’t told anyone. How useful will those measures be?

You must communicate your policies and train your employees how to implement computer security methods. You can’t just tell everyone in an email that “here’s our policy”, and leave it at that. You have to show everybody how important it is and how it’s done.

You have to ensure that all employees understand the new password policy, how anti-virus software keeps your computer safe, what “acceptable use” is, and the importance of protecting their mobile devices.

7. Restrict Access to Your Data

Microsoft Windows, Linux, and other operating systems have their own kind of user access controls. Using them means you have to identify what each user login requires for data, network, or peripheral access (e.g., read only, read/write, execute). If you allow too much freedom of access, you increase the risk of misuse, data loss, etc., but if you make restrictions too tight, you’ll get far too many user complaints. There’s a very fine line between too much and too little — that line often isn’t easy to find, and it moves around a lot.

8. Implement a Contingency Plan

A computer, IT, or data center disaster recovery plan is an important element of securing your computer data. There are more than hackers and trusting (or untrustworthy) employees — there are acts of nature that threaten your business’s continuity, too.

You never know when fire, flood, tornado, riots/uprisings, robbery, or other catastrophic events will occur but if one (or more) of them does strike…how long will it take you to get your business back online? Without a disaster plan in place, it will take too long.

Your plan should cover hardware and software replacement, data recovery, and key configuration, restoration, or installation details. It should include appropriate software license numbers, insurance numbers, and key contractor or supplier numbers. It should cover testing, validation, and performance criteria. Furthermore, you need to thoroughly test your recovery plan before you need it.

9. Block Would-Be Intruders from Your Network

First, you can’t do this perfectly but you can at least make it more difficult by installing a business-class firewall and updating it regularly. Close all the firewall ports you’re not using. Don’t use older WEP security (see #1, above) but invest in newer, stronger technology like WPA2. Always make sure you’re up on the latest threat prevention methods.

Restrict access to DNS zone transfers, which hackers can use to read your DNS records and obtain your server details. Add an Intrusion Protection System (IPS) that monitors network and system events for malicious activity.

10. Close Holes in Your Security

As we often say in the quality field, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” This is true for security, as well. To find the holes in your computer security system, perform some type of regular security audit and network inspection. Check your firewall and server logs for signs of threat.

See that you’ve implemented measures to address the first nine points above. Secure your computer network. Enable automatic updates. Deploy Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) and Windows Update for all PCs and workstations. Be sure your anti-virus and other malware prevention systems are being automatically and regularly updated.

I also recommend hiring an independent computer security expert to audit your information security system and conduct system tests (penetration testing, leak testing, etc.) from time to time. You can also look for software applications, like The Secunia Personal Software Inspector (free download), that scan your installed software to identify potentially unsafe (e.g., out-of-date) programs and offer downloads to the latest software patches.


Decision Making

Decision making can be classified as either structured or unstructured. Why is top level management more associated with unstructured decisions, while the lower level has more contact with structured decisions?

Top Management

The top level of management deals with decisions that are the broadest in scope and cover the widest time frame. Typical titles of managers at this level are chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), chief financial officer (CFO), treasurer, controller, chief information officer (CIO), executive vice president, and senior partner. Top managers include only a few powerful people which are in charge of the four basic functions of a business-marketing, accounting and finance, production, and research and development. Decisions made at this level are unpredictable, long range, and related to the future, not just past and/or current activities. Therefore, they demand the most experience and judgment. Examples of unstructured decisions include deciding five year goals for the company, evaluating future financial resources, and deciding how to react to the actions of competitors.

Lower management

The largest level of management, lower (operational) management, deals mostly with decisions that cover a relatively narrow time frame. Lower management, also called supervisory management, actualizes the plans of middle management and controls daily operations-the day to day activities that keep the organization humming. Most decisions at this level require easily defined information about current status and activities within the basic business functions-for example, the information needed to decide. This information is generally given in detail reports that contain specific information about routine activities. These reports are structured, so their form can usually be predetermined. Daily business operations data is readily available, and its processing can be easily computerized. Managers at this level typically make structured decisions. A structured decision is a predictable decision that can be made by following a well defined set of predetermined, routine procedures.

What is a Decision Support System?

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.

DSSs include knowledge-based systems. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.


· WWhy information must be managed properly by the levels of management?

Information is needed for decision making at all levels of management.

Managers at different organizational levels make different types of decisions, control different types of processes, and have different information needs.

Three classical levels of management include:

o Strategic (top management)

It entails specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs.

o Tactical (middle management)

Middle, or tatical, managers receive strategic decisions from above as general directives. Using those directives as guidelines, they develop tatics to meet those strategic directives. That is, they make decisions concerning how and when specific resources will be utilized. Usually, a middle manager will be responsible for several operational managers.

o Operational (lower management)

Operational managers are responsible for daily operations. They make decisions concerning a narrow time span about the deployment of small groups of clerical and/or shop floor workers.

· InInformation needed by the manager must have a value that is: up to date, detailed and accurate. Try to explain the purpose of these points and give examples of your answers!

o Accurate (information which is reasonably determined to be factually correct)

o Up To Date ( reflecting the latest information or changes)

o Detail (true information including all the facts)

ex: in order to check whether or not a hotel is profitable, the management required a revenue report. This report should be accurate (exact figures), up to date (latest report) and detailed (a complete information to support the conclusion).

· TTry to describe what information is needed by the managerial level in carrying out its functions in terms of planning, organizing and controlling

o Planning
The planning function establishes goals and objectives to pursue during a future period. It spans all levels of management. Top managers are involved in strategic planning that sets board, long-range goals for an organization. These goals become the basis for short-range, annual operational planning; during which top and middle managers determine specific departmental objectives that will help the organization makes progress toward the broader, long-range goals.

Ex: General Manager determines the objectives, policies and plans of the hotel.

o Organizing

Organizing is management’s plan for obtaining the objectives of the establishment throught the arrangement of position, job tasks and people.

Ex: HOD analyzes job description and set the tasks for each position.

o Controlling

The process of control is to measure progress, compare it with plans or standards and take corrective action.

Ex: Front office supervisor supervises all front desk procedures (reservation, reception, operator, etc) set by the higher management.

A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. It has 10 characteristics :

Parts of a system, also called subsystems. ex: parts of recruitment management, recruitment methods, cost of recruitment.

Every system has defined boundaries within which it operates. Beyond these limits the system has to interact with the other systems. ex: if the newly hired employee training is required, then it has to interact with the training management.

Every system whether it is natural or man made co-exists with an environment. It is very important for a system to adapt itself to its environment. Also, for a system to exist it should change according to the changing environment. ex: candidates.

Interfaces are another important element through which the system interacts with the outside world. System interacts with other systems through its interfaces. ex: recruiting procedures.

a system's input is defined as the movement of information from the environment into the system. ex: candidate resumes.

The systems have some processes that make use of the resources to achieve the set goal under the defined procedures. These processes are the operational element of the system. ex: selection test, interview.

Output is the movement of information or matter-energy from the system to the environment. ex: selected candidate

The overall goal of recruitment is to cost-effectively attract, detect and select those people who are most likely to optimally contribute to the organization within that position at a particular point in time (and into the future).

Control is the process that measures current performance and guides it toward a predetermined goal.

Feedback is an important element of systems which taken to ensure the recruitment process is as effective as it should be. The output of a system needs to be observed and feedback from the output taken so as to improve the system. It could be negative or positive. ex: the new starter quitting after two weeks on the job because the role's not what they expected.

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