A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a common purpose. It has 10 characteristics :

Parts of a system, also called subsystems. ex: parts of recruitment management, recruitment methods, cost of recruitment.

Every system has defined boundaries within which it operates. Beyond these limits the system has to interact with the other systems. ex: if the newly hired employee training is required, then it has to interact with the training management.

Every system whether it is natural or man made co-exists with an environment. It is very important for a system to adapt itself to its environment. Also, for a system to exist it should change according to the changing environment. ex: candidates.

Interfaces are another important element through which the system interacts with the outside world. System interacts with other systems through its interfaces. ex: recruiting procedures.

a system's input is defined as the movement of information from the environment into the system. ex: candidate resumes.

The systems have some processes that make use of the resources to achieve the set goal under the defined procedures. These processes are the operational element of the system. ex: selection test, interview.

Output is the movement of information or matter-energy from the system to the environment. ex: selected candidate

The overall goal of recruitment is to cost-effectively attract, detect and select those people who are most likely to optimally contribute to the organization within that position at a particular point in time (and into the future).

Control is the process that measures current performance and guides it toward a predetermined goal.

Feedback is an important element of systems which taken to ensure the recruitment process is as effective as it should be. The output of a system needs to be observed and feedback from the output taken so as to improve the system. It could be negative or positive. ex: the new starter quitting after two weeks on the job because the role's not what they expected.

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