- tables, chairs & linens
- platform & podium
- carpet
- bulletin board
- audio visual equipment
- trash can
- twin room - untuk peserta yang tidak didampingi istri/sekertaris
- double room - untuk peserta yang didampingi istri
- single room - untuk para secretary
- breakfast (di hotel)
- lunch (di convention centre)
- dinner (di hotel)
- supper (di hotel)
- termasuk welcome dan farewell party
Information system can be categorized into 2 which is manually and automatically or also known as Computer Based Information System (CBIS). Before we are using CBIS, all the data is done manually, where all the information is written and store in a different file. Sometimes, this process is called non-computerized system. Non-computerized is not efficient because it consumes a lot of time to find and modify the information. So, to eliminate this problem, a new system is created which is known as computerized system or CBIS.
Roles and function of Computer Based Information System (CBIS)
Functions CBIS :
1. Input : Consists of raw data either from organization or outside the organization to be processed
2. Process : Transfer raw data into useful information
3. Output : Information that has been processed
4. Storage : A place to store the useful information
5. Control : Control the evolving of information system
Components of CBIS :
1. Hardware : Hardware can be a single PC, a single main frame or networks of computers. It also includes physical device to control the process of input and output like keyboard, mouse and modem.
2. Software : Application program such as MS Office, Macromedia Dreamweaver and etc.
3. People : Those who are involved with the system or using the system.
4. Data : Consists of facts, text, graphic, figure that can be recorded and that have specific meaning.
5. Procedure : Instructions and rules to design and use information system
There are five specialist information:
1. Systems analyst (sytsem analys), in collaboration with users to develop new systems and improve the current system.
2. Manager database (Database Administrator), in cooperationwith users and systems analysts created a database that contains the data necessary to generate information for the wearer.
3. Network Specialist (Network Specialist), in collaboration with systems analysts and users to shape the data communicationsnetwork that brings together a variety of computer resources arescattered.
4. Programmers, using the documentation provided by the system analyst to make instruction-instruction that cause the computer to convert data into information that is needed.
5. Operator, operates a large-scale computer equipment andcomputer sepertmainframe mini.